• Headshot of Jennifer Barber in a red shirt

    Brookline Poet Laureate

    After a delay of over a year due to Covid, Brookline’s fourth Poet Laureate has been selected, and on May 1, 2021, Jennifer Barber was elected to the post. Jennifer succeeds Zvi A Sesling, whose term expired on March 31, 2020. Jennifer’s term will run through April 30, 2024.

  • Picture of Salman Hussain

    Chris Santos Emerging Artist

    The Chris Santos Emerging Artist Program, named for and initially funded by former commissioner and arts patron Chris Santos, aims to provide annual designation and a stipend of $1,500 for an artist, regardless of age, who is not yet widely recognized in their medium of art to present their own work, promote emerging artists in the community, and contribute to the development of venues and platforms for aspiring artists in Brookline. The BCA created a working group in late 2021 as the advising body to the program, made up of current commissioners and community liaisons. Mr. Hussain was selected as the inaugural artist, having previously been vetted through the Poet Laureate Selection Committee and being involved in the creation of the program.

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